DE Junior College

Junior College via Distance Education

The junior years (Prep to Year 6) are a time of growth and development for students – physically, socially, emotionally and as learners. We provide a supportive and well-structured Christian education program to ensure that learning foundations are strong. 

The Foundations of Junior College

Strong partnerships with parents and home tutors underpin our program delivery. We recognise that a parent is a child’s first teacher, and in the Distance Education context, they continue to be a vital component to learning success. We work tirelessly to promote transparency and communication to ensure the best possible outcomes for students together. 

Our expert primary teaching staff are passionate about learning and learners. They create a safe and welcoming online learning environment, in compliment to the hands-on learning materials provided, to guide students through their learning.   

As one campus students are able to continue their educational journey through to their middle and senior years of schooling seamlessly.  

Junior College Distance Education Student

Junior College Curriculum

In the primary years program (P-6), students engage in an “out-of-the-box” experience with the majority of their learning occurring through hands-on tactile learning experiences and paper-based learning provided in a pack that is mailed to families each term.  

We also provide families with dedicated online learning sessions where children can engage with their teacher and peers in online classes where they get focused learning time to assist them in their learning.  

While we cannot offer a no technology option due to the Australian Curriculum requirements, we do our best to ensure that families are provided with technology learning through protected sites and video protection software as well as through our Learning Management System (LMS) in order to ensure that our children and families are protected.  

For families who struggle with internet access we do arrange alternative modes of learning where possible and upon request. 

Student Wellbeing

Our Junior students are supported in their learning through key pastoral programs delivered by their class teacher.


The weekly year level assembly is dedicated online time that provides an opportunity to strengthen our student’s sense of community through a structured and supportive pastoral routine and is a focal point for connection to pastoral and extra curricula program.

Assembly includes;

  • Weekly devotions
  • Notices and updates
  • Positive Behaviour for Learning
  • Celebration of student success
  • Acknowledgement of student achievements

Lesson Structure

The lessons are divided into three key focus areas.

Lessons 1 to 4 –Brain Basics

  • Students learn about the parts of the brain, in particular the Prefrontal Cortex, Amygdala and the Hippocampus, and the roles that each of these play with our emotions.

Lessons 5 to 12 – Mindfulness Skills and Behaviours

  • Students learn about self-awareness, how to pause and ‘check in’ with their bodies, being able to notice the change in their thoughts and identify their emotions. Once the emotions have been identified they are able to self-manage using some of the techniques covered in the program.

Lessons 13 to 18 – Positive Education – gratitude, kindness and empathy

  • Students learn about the concepts of happiness, gratitude, resilience, kindness and empathy.  


Looking for something extra? Check out our extra-curricular offerings below.

Career Discovery Program

To support development of these aspects Riverside Christian College has implemented the UniSC careers discovery program, an Australian curriculum aligned strengths-based approach program. Through resources and scaffolded lessons students are encouraged to be future focused, which when linked to SMART goal setting has a positive effect on achievement and wellbeing for students.   

The GO BIG digital story program engages students in the early years supporting their awareness of education and industry and ultimately fostering strong and positive aspiration for their future.  

The EXPLORE program is aimed at Year 4-6 students and is based on themes of adventure and discovery. Students develop an awareness of their own skills and interests whilst discovering which skills are necessary for a range of different jobs and future aspirations. Students are encouraged to develop an awareness of their own skills and interests whilst discovering which skills are necessary for a range of different jobs. Students are invited to explore their values, develop a growth mindset, create a vision board and research a career they are interested in. Through these activities, students will develop self-awareness, practice setting goals, develop social management skills and undertake reflective practice.    

In addition, the EXPLORE Program provides a sound foundation for EMERGE, an equivalent program aimed at students in Junior Secondary school.

Enrichment Program

Commencing in 2023, Riverside Christian College Distance Education will be offering a Project-based Enrichment Program, designed to extend and challenge more capable leaners. Using a robust critical thinking framework, our Enrichment Program will support our learners to develop a suite of higher-order thinking processes through collaborative real-world project-based learning. 

Students in Year 3-6 identified as highly capable, are invited to engage in weekly collaborative teacher-led workshops covering a variety of concepts including; 

  • STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)
  • Design
  • Construction
  • Research
  • Creative Arts